
28 February 2024
Top 10 – 2023 Films
Top 10 – 2023 Films

3. The Zone of Interest

3. “The Zone of Interest”

On the lowest step of the podium, simply because they are three great films and the difference was made by the subjective basis of the experience, we find “The Zone Of Interest” by Jonathan Glazer. IMDb describes the plot as follows: Auschwitz, Commander Rudolf Höss and his wife Hedwig strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp.

It’s an intense film that benefits from extraordinary and very unique direction (cameras and microphones scattered throughout a house and sequences shot as if “live,” the powerful use of off-screen), excellent performances, absolutely unparalleled sound design, and photography that establishes a coldness more than analytical, focused on itself and on what’s repressed. A coldness that can be almost defined as a metaphysical view of humanity as a whole, rather than just the individual.

A film that also speaks about our present in a very interesting way, instead of just offering a recipe, “The Zone of Interest” is a truly powerful film.

At the time of publication, the film is still in theaters, but to watch it streaming in the future, you can simply click here to find out where to watch it: JUSTWATCH. You can find the trailer at this link.

2. Anatomy of a Fall

2. “Anatomy of a Fall”

On the second step of the podium, we find “Anatomy of a Fall” by Justine Triet. It’s a film of monstrous ambiguity, where everything can be interpreted as both everything and its opposite. The faults and responsibilities of each event are not easy to decode and perhaps only reflect how a singular perspective can be limiting and can never truly account for what is true and what isn’t, suggesting that truth itself might be an elusive concept. It’s a film that doesn’t end when you leave the theater but rather goes home with the viewer.

Justine Triet’s work boasts sublime acting performances (even the dog in the film acts like an Oscar winner!), and the kaleidoscope of perspectives is also symbolized in the various languages ​​from which it is constituted.

“Anatomy of a Fall” could be summarized (almost doing a disservice to a film that refuses synthesis) as a tale of ambiguity and truth. It’s a film that has no equal in this cinematic year, drawing inspiration from great cinema that doesn’t offer prescriptions but invites reflection.

Click here to discover where to watch it: JUSTWATCH. You can find the trailer at this link.

1. Poor Things

1. “Poor Things”

And here we are at the highest step. Yes, for us, the best film of 2023 is Yorgos Lanthimos’ “Poor Things.” To learn about our opinion on this film, click here to read our article.

The film’s disturbing characteristic, as well as the courage of its direction and narrative component, allow us to have no doubts in awarding the top spot to this film. And where we didn’t have uncertainties, we know that many others did, which ultimately makes us even more convinced of our choice: what could divide interpretations more and make them so divergent than an important film like this?

At the time of publication, the film is still in theaters, but to watch it streaming in the future, simply click here to find out where to watch it: JUSTWATCH. You can find the trailer at this link.

It’s time for a brief recap of this list, which you’ll find on the next page.

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